SuspendedFrames with graphics on stretched fabric

Suspended frames with graphics on tension fabric are used to create spatial ceiling forms. These types of structures are used in advertising, decoration and interior design. They are used in shop and service spaces, trade fair and exhibition halls and other large-scale facilities.

Suspendedspatial forms

We manufacture suspended frames of various forms, dimensions and functions, including striking spatial forms with backlighting. They can serve advertising, information and decorative purposes. The suspended spatial forms are ideal for, among other things, marking sales areas or trade fair stands in large-scale objects.

Suspendedframes and spatial forms

Suspended frames with stretched fabric make it possible to create light, functional spatial forms of any format. Appropriately selected profiles make it possible to make both simple and more fanciful shapes of suspensions, including illuminated ones. This is an excellent way to draw customers' attention and effectively communicate visually.

ProfilesAluminium Smart Frame profiles for suspended frames

Suspended spatial forms in the Smart Frame system are frames onto which printed fabrics are stretched. The frames consist of aluminium profiles with different parameters - thickness, cross-section or additional elements - tailored to the format, shape and function of the suspension.

Advantagesof using suspended frames with stretched fabric

Suspended frames with graphics on stretched fabrics make it possible to create visually attractive, functional and yet lightweight spatial forms. The suspensions are very easy to install and remove. They can be used multiple times and the fabric with graphics can be changed at will to suit current needs, events, offers or seasons.

ContactOur specialist are ready to help

Contact us if you need help in choosing the right system. Our specialists with years of experience will smoothly guide you through the process and will supervise the creation of your materials.

Katarzyna Margowska

New Business Development

Specjalistka ds. kluczowych klientów. Doświadczona w branży targowej, obsługująca partnerów z Europy środkowej.

M. +48 606 452 952 E.

I will help you choose the right solution for your company


Contact info

  • Biuro
  • ul. Bukowska 16
  • 62-081 Wysogotowo
  • Production Park
  • Panattoni Park IX, św. Mikołaja 1
  • 62-080 Swadzim PL

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