Wall-mounted frameswith stretched fabric

Smart Frame with stretched fabric is perfect for hanging on walls. Lightweight, easy to install and extremely aesthetic system is based on aluminum frames on which the printed fabric is stretched. Hanging Smart Frames are widely used in advertising, visual information systems or interior design of stores, offices, service outlets, hotels, restaurants and public institutions.

Pictures of large formats and wall decorations

Hanging frames with stretched fabric are a great way to create aesthetically pleasing, eye-catching paintings or wall decorations of any format. Modern printing technologies guarantee durability and excellent appearance of graphics – great color saturation, precision and perfect reflection of the design. Strong aluminum profiles allow for even and rigid stretching of the fabric.

Hanging frameswith stretched fabric

Hanging frames with stretched fabric are designed to create small and large format graphics hung on walls. They can be used for decoration and interior design, but also as an advertising medium and an element of visual information systems.

ProfilesAluminium Smart Frame profiles for wall-mounted frames

Smart Frames are aluminum profiles tailored for different tasks. Their special structure ensures rigidity and stability of images of various formats, while maintaining maximum lightness. Special profiles also allow LEDs to be mounted and graphics to be illuminated from behind.

Advantagesof using wall-mounted frames with graphics

Wall frames with stretched fabric are lightweight, durable and extremely functional. They are distinguished by easy installation, high aesthetics and the possibility of quick replacement of graphics.

Technologiesused in a stretch system

Smart Frame stretched fabric system uses modern materials and technologies. The profiles are made of high quality aluminum, which makes the frames rigid and durable. Polyester fabrics are flexible and tear resistant, and sublimation or latex printing provides great looking graphics. Modern LEDs, in turn, are a guarantee of aesthetic illumination, which will work for a very long time.


FilmsSee videos demonstrating Smart Frame

ProductsFrames with stretch graphics printed on fabric

ContactOur specialist are ready to help

Contact us if you need help in choosing the right system. Our specialists with years of experience will smoothly guide you through the process and will supervise the creation of your materials.

Katarzyna Margowska

New Business Development

Specjalistka ds. kluczowych klientów. Doświadczona w branży targowej, obsługująca partnerów z Europy środkowej.

M. +48 606 452 952 E. katarzyna.margowska@kreativia.pl

I will help you choose the right solution for your company


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  • Biuro
  • ul. Bukowska 16
  • 62-081 Wysogotowo
  • kontakt@kreativia.pl

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