Profile S50T is a single-sided aluminum system with a depth of 50 mm, specifically designed for illuminated frames. The ability to insert rigid back panels allows the use of rear LED lighting, ensuring even illumination of graphics. Its structure makes it ideal for retail advertising, exhibitions, and interior design applications.
Aluminium profile in silver colour. Anodised.
Aluminium undergoing the anodising process is characterised by strength, resistance to corrosion and mechanical damage.
Anodizing has a positive influence on aesthetic values - the surface of the profile does not have any production scratches, it shines delicately, has a durable colour, is smooth and pleasant to touch and does not retain dirt.
Aluminium profile in black colour. Powder coated.
Powder painting provides increased mechanical durability and resistance to corrosion. At the same time it is distinguished by aesthetic matt finish.
Appropriate thickness of the coating eliminates possible imperfections of mechanical processing, therefore the surface of the profile is smooth and pleasant to touch.
During the heating process, the powder paint on the surface of the profile melts and polymerizes, ensuring maximum durability.
Aluminium profile in white colour. Powder coated.
Powder painting provides increased mechanical durability and resistance to corrosion. At the same time it is distinguished by aesthetic matt finish.
Appropriate thickness of the coating eliminates possible imperfections of mechanical processing, therefore the surface of the profile is smooth and pleasant to touch.
During the heating process, the powder paint on the surface of the profile melts and polymerizes, ensuring maximum durability.
Konstrukcja profilu S50T umożliwia zastosowanie podświetlenia LED, które jeszcze bardziej podnosi atrakcyjność grafiki. Energooszczędne listwy LED umieszczone są na tyle ramy, którą stanowi płyta typu Dibond. Rozmieszczenie modułów pozwala dokładnie podświetlić ramę i uzyskać efekt równomiernego rozporszenia światła. Temperatura barwowa wynosząca 6000 K została dobrana tak, by zachować odpowiednią kolorystykę nadruku.
Projektowanie przestrzeni handlowych reujemy oryginalne, atrakcyjne i stymulujace wyobraznie projekty.
Wykonujemy wydruki reklamowe na powszechnie stosowanych materiałach sztywnych i rolowych.
Wsród nich znajduja sie miedzy innymi: banner, płyta PCV, Blockout, folia monomeryczna, folia polimerowa czy terralight.