Displayadvertising and exhibition systems

Kreativia is not only a producer of original, stylish advertising and exhibition systems. We also import and distribute proven systems from reputable foreign brands. Our offer includes advertising roll-ups, flags, umbrellas, tents, counters and walls as well as other products supporting communication.


ProductsDisplay and exhibition systems


SolutionsAdvertising systems in our offer

We offer a wide range of advertising products. We make visually appealing and eye-catching elements for indoor and outdoor use. We print using sublimation or latex methods on a wide variety of rigid and roll materials, creating aesthetically pleasing, durable and eye-catching display products.

Applicationsof advertising systems

We offer advertising and display systems for outdoor and indoor applications. They are widely used, among others, in offices, retail and service points as well as at trade fairs, conferences and events. They constitute great, eye-catching advertising media, as well as an aesthetic decoration.

ContactOur specialist are ready to help

Contact us if you need help in choosing the right Smart Frame system. Our specialists with years of experience will smoothly guide you through the process and will supervise the creation of your materials.

Katarzyna Margowska

New Business Development

Specjalistka ds. kluczowych klientów. Doświadczona w branży targowej, obsługująca partnerów z Europy środkowej.

M. +48 606 452 952 E. katarzyna.margowska@kreativia.pl

I will help you choose the right solution for your company


Contact info

  • Biuro
  • ul. Bukowska 16
  • 62-081 Wysogotowo
  • kontakt@kreativia.pl

Send e-mail

Portfolio See the gallery of our implemented projects 

Productionof display systems

We have a professional machine park and qualified staff who can cope with the most difficult projects. We make advertising prints on commonly used rigid and roll materials. These include: banner, PVC board, blockout, monomeric and polymeric film or terralight.


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