Showcasesand shop window designs

We offer complete shop window equipment and arrangement. We design and produce shop window backgrounds, flat and spatial figures and other forms, letters and spatial signs, platforms and display racks. We create shop window arrangements based on a thorough space inventory and brand analysis, so that they are perfectly tailored to customer needs.

Designand production of shop window elements

Shop windows are one of the most important points of contact between a customer and a brand. Their proper arrangement helps to present the offer and encourages to visit the shop, thus directly translating into increased sales. We produce aesthetic, original and creative elements of equipment and decor for various industries. We use advanced multimedia technologies and modern materials to create products which effectively reinforce the advertising message.

Possibilities:comprehensive realisation of shop windows

We create shop window arrangements comprehensively. We start with a design tailored to individual needs, requirements and capabilities of the customer. Together with the customer we choose the best materials and production technologies, creating durable, aesthetic and tailored elements of decor and equipment. We also take care of transport and assembly at the destination.

ContactOur specialist are ready to help

Contact us if you need help in choosing the right system. Our specialists with years of experience will smoothly guide you through the process and will supervise the creation of your materials.

Katarzyna Margowska

New Business Development

Specjalistka ds. kluczowych klientów. Doświadczona w branży targowej, obsługująca partnerów z Europy środkowej.

M. +48 606 452 952 E.

I will help you choose the right solution for your company


Contact info

  • Biuro
  • ul. Bukowska 16
  • 62-081 Wysogotowo

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